A Series of Sawing Courses Design to Improve Your SawingI love sawing. I feel that
These lessons give you a focused look at a joinery technique, design idea, or even how to use a specific tool. The listing below is the tip of the iceberg as to the library of lessons available inside the school. Currently there are more than 600 of these lessons to be found inside the school when you join as an Apprentice subscriber. But check back often as I add to this list of individually available lessons all the time for those interested in purchasing individual lessons.
Skill Path Lesson Bundles
Master the Mortise & Tenon
A Series of Joinery Courses To Guide You to Tenon MasteryWhen the joint fits right
Individual Skill Lessons
3 Tips to a Square Edge by Hand
Milling your lumber flat and square is a fundamental skill that is an essential step
Angled Mortise and Tenon
Take any joinery and throw in an angle and immediately people panic. Now up the
Blind Mitered Dovetail
The dovetail joint is placed on a pedestal for so many woodworkers. The irony is
Casework Accuracy
Building boxes is probably one of the fundamental tasks in most woodworking. Â Want to build
Chisel Paring Techniques
The most basic of all woodworking tools is the chisel. Every other tool is based
Hand Plane a Twisted Board
The best thing to do with a heavily twisted board is to put it back
Intro to Hand Cut Mouldings
Hand cutting (AKA "sticking") is one of the most fun you can have with hand
Introduction to Hand Planes
Hand Planes are one of the key tools for the hand tool woodworker. But they
Jointing Long Boards
Its All About the Board Diagnosis"The fastest way to flatten a board whether it be
Make a Bow Saw
The bow saw falls into a generic class of saws called "frame saws". These can
Make a Pair of French Style Moulding Planes
The "Roubo Moulding Plane"Hand cutting (sticking) mouldings is one of my favorite tasks in my
Making Duplicate Parts by Hand
Hand planing a board flat and square on 2 faces is usually all that is
Resawing by Hand
Using a specific Resawing Frame Saw makes the process of resawing fast and efficient without
The 3 Principles of Hand Sawing
The Secret to All Hand SawingIt that a sensational statement? Perhaps but I think a
The Jack Plane as Your Only Plane
The Stanley #5 plane is colloquially called the Jack plane because it is a competent
The Physics of Cutting Wood
Sell a man a higher angle frog, he planes a board; teach him the physics
The Rising Dovetail
There is a whole world of unusual joinery out there and this rising dovetail is
The Spot Planing Technique
The Fastest, Easiest Way I Know to Flatten a Board By HandEvery board is unique.
Turning Saw 101
Sawing Curves Should be Slow and SteadySawing curves frustrates a lot of people. Broken blades