Holiday Sale 30% Off Everything | The Hand Tool SchoolThe Hand Tool School

Holiday Sale 30% Off Everything

Save 30% off any semester, project, lesson, or an apprentice subscription during the 2023 Holiday sale.

Its time for our annual holiday sale where I give you the chance to save a whopping 30% off everything in the school.  Semesters, Projects, Lessons, even an Apprentice subscription (lock in the sale price for furutre renewals now)

Check out the limited offers good only during the sale along with some of our new stand alone lessons below.

Use the Code "FESTIVUS" at checkout for 30% off


You missed out!

Sale runs 11/24/23 through 1/1/24

Limited Time Offer!  

Get these Lesson Bundles

Only While this Sales Lasts

A Series of Joinery Courses To Guide You to Tenon MasteryWhen the joint fits right off the saw the work goes so much faster.  Projects go together smoothly and quickly.

Get It Now!

A Series of Sawing Courses Design to Improve Your SawingI love sawing.  I feel that hand sawing is THE most important woodworking skill to master.  So I've done many lessons

Get It Now!

START HERE!  Wanting to get into woodworking?  Look no further. Orientation SemesterFirst Projects SemesterSemester 1 Bundles Our 3 Most Popular Courses This course bundle will take you from absolutely zero experience

Get It Now!

Check out our different learning paths and choose how you best want to learn

Choose How You Want to Learn

click on the links in the Nav bar above or the boxes below to learn more about Semesters, Projects, and Technique learning paths.

"Semesters" Provide a Path

Currently there is over 600 hours of video instruction in the school library.  But it is not just random technique videos.  Our "Semesters" provide a structured curriculum that guides you in a logical path from hand tool zero to hand tool hero!  Techniques lesson are presented in a specific order.  Each lesson then presents a project that applies those skills. 

"Projects" Give You Context

Learning how to use hand tools in abstract is hard.  Those "dovetail a day" plans make you good at cutting a two tail dovetail but don't show you how to assemble a square box with dovetailed corners. The projects here have been developed to highlight specific techniques so you can learn to build your own designs and apply what you have learned.  

"Lessons" Focus You

Maybe you have built a few things already and consider yourself a seasoned woodworker. The technique library is hundred and hundreds of hours of stand alone, focused lessons built to answer the questions of students over the years.  

This is for the woodworker who has a question in their own work and needs a specific answer.

Sometimes you just want it all!  This is why I developed the "Apprenticeship" model that gives you a subscription to EVERYTHING!  Take a Semester course, or build a project, or watch a specific technique video.  Or attend a live Office Hours meeting and get your questions answered live.  Apprentices get access to the whole library of content that far exceeds just the semesters and projects.  They get unlimited support and they are the students who shape the library going forward.  I base all of my technique focus videos on the questions that get raised by the Apprentice members.